Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Rodion Yahotin. Expediency of Assessing Students’ Adaptive Capacity and Psychosomatic Health According To Objective Physiological Parameters.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 66-71. Odessa.


Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor, Department of Biology and Health Care,
Rodion Yahotin,
post-graduate student, Department of Biology and Health Care,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper aims to ground the feasibility of implementing complex programs of psycho-physiological examination of students’ adaptive capacity and psychosomatic health state according to objective psycho-physiological parameters into the physical training medical and educational support of Physical Education lessons. During Physical Education classes in the groups of students with different states of psychosomatic health it is advisable to introduce the psychophysiological diagnostics implementation, which provides objective and comprehensive information about their psychofunctional states and the levels of their physical fitness and helps to evaluate their adaptive capacity dynamics. The psychophysiological state is a complex hierarchical system with improved mechanisms of self-regulation and selfdevelopment, which is unity of the internal individual components (bioenergetic, neurophysiological, psychological, behavioral, personal, social and psychological) that is dynamic according to the components and originally deployed by time. The abovementioned components organized in accordance with the holarсhic strategy provide the desired aims achievement in the process of certain activities, and the final result acts like a framework factor of person’s psychofunctional system in case of adaptive result achievement. The designed complex psychophysiological examination program has been adapted for university students and has real perspectives for the implementation into higher educational institutions with the aim to determine the students’ adaptive capacity and their physical health state. The comprehensive program includes the following major sections: General data; Properties of the nervous system; Psychomotor properties; Attention level; Thinking activity; Visual afferent status. The implementation of the integrated psycho-physiological examination for university students enables forecasting individual trajectories of their further mental and physical development, and facilitates the individualized approach introduction at the Physical Education lessons taking into account the particularities of their psychophysical condition, including psychomotor qualities.


psychophysiological condition, students, physical education, adaptation.




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