(2017) Science and education, 8, 133-140. Odessa.
Halyna Kondratska,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
head of the Department of Sport Disciplines and Tourism,
Nataliia Kizlo,
associate professor, Department of Sport Disciplines and Tourism,
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University,
98, Stryiska Str., Drohobych, Ukraine
The paper aims to examine the efficiency of the designed methodical set of didactic means for the formation of Physical Education students’ professional linguistic culture by means of assessing the level of its maturity before and after its implementation. The experiment involved 254 students who were divided into experimental and control groups. The assessment of maturity levels was based on V. Bespalko’s and I. Lerner’s technique. Besides, Communicative and Organizational Skills Inventory and some author’s questionnaires were used in the study. The following characteristics were taken as speech quality indices: voice timbre, tonal range, speech rate, filler words. The peculiarities of the manifestation of these indicators were determined using the expert evaluation method (ranking). A special course “Professional Linguistic Culture” was implemented into the educational process (designed for 2 credits (60 hours allocated for curricular and extracurricular activities)) in the specialty “Physical Culture”. In addition to the special course students took part in psychological and pedagogical conferences, scientific methodical workshops, master classes, consultations. Methods of self-confidence development (“Self-Concept” motivational training), methods of focusing on success; methods of forming motivation and self-development needs; workshops on the formation of individual image, etc. were a part of the designed set of measures. Such forms of work as the compilation of an individual dictionary, the conscious control over the choice of linguistic means in situations of professional communication at practical lessons in sports disciplines were applied as well. Based on the results of the carried out experiment, it has been established that a high level of professional language culture was formed in almost half of the students of the experimental group after implementing the technique into their curricula. The indicators of the level of the formation of the professional language culture of the students of the control group, who were taught according to traditional methods, remained unsatisfactory. This is indicative of the efficiency of the designed technique for improving future Physical Education teachers’ professional linguistic culture.
professional linguistic culture, system, efficiency, physical education, specialist.
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