Volodymyr Lyzohub, Viktoriia Supronovych, Serhii Hrechukha. Innovative Approach to the Evaluation of Highly Competitive Football Players’ Competence.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 15-22. Odessa.


Volodymyr Lyzohub,
Doctor of Biology, professor, Department of Anatomy,
director of Physiology Research Center named after Mykhailo Bosyi,
Viktoriia Supronovych,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Psychical Education and Sports) associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sport Games,
Serhii Hrechukha,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Psychical Education and Sports) associate professor, head of the
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sport Games,
The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
24, Dashkevycha Str., Cherkasy, Ukraine



The article deals with a relevant issue of evaluating highly competitive football players’ special competence taking into account the neurodynamic properties of brain as a part of the central nervous system. The scientific literature review allows to suppose that highly competitive football players’ special competence and play effectiveness depend on individual highly genetically determined neurodynamic properties of brain as a part of the central nervous system, which include functional mobility, strength and the balance of excitation and inhibition. This caused the necessity of examining neurodynamic properties, indicators of physical fitness and technical competence, as well as evaluating highly competitive football players’ playing and special competence. The paper aims to substantiate the innovative approach of evaluating highly competitive football players’ special competence taking into account the individual neurodynamic properties of brain. Some significant differences in the results of neurodynamic properties, indicators of physical fitness and technical competence in groups of footballers of different qualification levels have been found. The players who were estimated to have the “above average level”, have best characteristics of neurodynamic properties, physical, technical and tactical competence. The existence of correlations between individual neurodynamic properties, physical fitness and technical competence with an expert evaluation of football players’ game practice has been detected. The results of a complex survey of players and comparing them with the progress of playing formed the theoretical and methodological basis and allowed to develop and justify the criteria and recommendations regarding the eligibility of each candidate. According to the indicators of highly genetically determined individual neurodynamic properties of brain, it is suggested to carry out the pedagogical selection of players for the national and league teams with their distribution into 4 groups: definitely suitable, suitable, conditionally suitable and unsuitable. Knowledge about the peculiarities of playing, physical fitness, technical and tactical competence of players based on individual genetically determined neurodynamic properties of the central nervous system enables coaches and professionals to model, predict and adjust the training process to enhance its effectiveness.


special competence, professional football players, neurodynamic properties, assessing competence.




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