Nataliia Kostova. Structural Model of Students-Future Lawyers’ Professional Competence.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 121-126. Odessa.


Nataliia Kostova,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Civil Law,
National University “Odesa Law Academy”,
5, Academichna Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper aims to present a designed factorial and criterial model of lawyer’s professional competence. The research is based on factorial and criterial modelling method, Delphi method, and methods of mathematical statistics. It has been found that the occupation of a lawyer is characterized by systematicity, dynamism, value orientations, responsibility, the ability to perform professional duties properly. Professional competence of a lawyer has a three-level hierarchical structure: the first level is composed of key competences: civil, social, purposeful development, general cultural, responsibility; the second one involves general competences: legal, administrative, functional, communicative, educational, and scientific; the third level is presented by special professional competences: special theoretical and special functional competences. Based on qualimetric approach there has been designed a model of lawyer’s professional competence, where the levels and kinds of competences are defined by factors and criteria. The weight coefficients for every factor and criterion have been calculated. The peculiarity of this model is the possibility of adapting it to the specificity of any kind of legal activities which provides its flexibility.


lawyer, professional competence, competency, structure, factorial and criterial model, factor, criterion.




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