Olena Varetska. Personal and Professional Component of Primary School Teachers’ Social Competence: its Development in Postgraduate Education.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 104-115. Odessa.


Olena Varetska,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
professor, Department of Primary Education,
Public Educational Institution “Zaporizhzhia Regional Institute of Post
Graduate Pedagogical Education” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council,
57-А, Nezalezhnoii Ukraiiny Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



The importance of the issue results from socio-economic challenges, European integration changes, the increasing role of the individual in social processes, the significance of individual social and professional skills and abilities associated with the permanent reforms in education, including primary education, lack of social competence-based programs for future primary school teachers in higher educational institutions, dominance of active teachers who entered the stage of professional development which can be called “conservation” and thus, require continuous training and skills improvement. The goal of the article is to highlight the results concerning one of the six components of primary school teachers’ social competence, namely, personal and professional component in the process of postgraduate education, showing extensive potential of the system described to create appropriate facilities. It has been found out that the development of various components is unbalanced. It has been proved that there is positive dynamics of output and outcomes concerning the levels of the development of personal and professional component of social competence of the participants in the experimental group compared to those in the control group. The comparison of generalized arithmetic average results of the groups demonstrates substantial differences and points to the significant changes that occurred during the formative stage of pedagogical experiment, and thus proves the postgraduate education potential to create appropriate conditions for sustainable development.


social competence, personal and professional component, primary school teacher, the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, results of the development.




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