Valentyna Kryshchuk. Professional Training of Future Teachers of Ukrainian Language and Literature: Competence-Based Approach.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 97-103. Odessa.


Valentyna Kryshchuk,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature,
Khmelnytsk Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy,
139, Proskurivskoho Pidpillia Str., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



The relevance of the issue is explained by the need for training highly-qualified experts in the field of the Ukrainian language who can be competitive at modern labor market. The paper aims to reveal the peculiarities of competencebased approach to training students majoring in the Ukrainian language and literature in terms of transformations taking place in the system of higher education, as well as to find out the key competences necessary for efficient work in the field. There have been distinguished the following key competences and their indicators: socio-personal competences (indicators: understanding the necessity of lifelong education and self-development; critical thinking skills), general scientific competences (basic knowledge on Philosophy contributing to the development of general culture, socialization, understanding the bonds between the development of the language and the society, the ability to use ICT in work, general research skills, etc.), instrumental competences (oral and written communication skills, research skills in the field of Philology); communicative competence (business communication skills, knowledge of terminology within a specialty, etc.). The experiment involved 60 students majoring in the Ukrainian language and literature who were divided into control and experimental groups. The control group was taught according to traditional methods and there has been introduced the experimental technique of forming future Ukrainian language teachers’ professional competence by means of such disciplines as “Philosophy”, “Pedagogy”, “Psychology”, “Stylistics of Ukrainian Language”, “History of Ukrainian Literature”, etc. in the experimental group. The set of didactic and methodical exercises implemented in the curriculum of the experimental group has contributed to the formation of the key competences of students which has been experimentally checked according to the distinguished indicators.


 competence-based approach, professional training, key competences, future Ukrainian teachers, philologist.




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