Iryna Davydova. Does Practical Component Of Educational Process Improve Professional Competence of Future Lawyers?

(2017) Science and education, 8, 87-93. Odessa.


Iryna Davydova,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Civil Law,
National University “Odessa Law Academy”,
23, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article is dedicated to the study of the application of innovative methods in the process of students training, namely: the role and place of the practical component in the formation of professional competence of future lawyers. It has been found that educational programs should be focused on the broader professional competences (functions) of future lawyers, namely epistemological, communicative, functional, personal, which play the main forming role in terms of acquisition of professional skills by the students and the development of relevant (professional) competence. The significance of the practical component in the training process, implies that there is a possibility to use training time for group classes, where students can discuss the content of the lecture, test their knowledge and interact in practice, has been emphasized. An experimental variant of the educational process, with a wide implementation of the practical component focused on the formation of leading competencies of future lawyers, has been developed. On the basis of the created methods of professional competences assessment, positive results of the applied technology of training have been obtained: there is a substantial increase in the level of competence of future lawyers. According to the results of the approbation, concrete proposals have been made regarding the modern reform of the educational process in the field of professional training of lawyers by introducing new forms and methods of active training with the widespread use of the practical component aimed at the formation of professional competence of future experts.


legal education, renewal, educational process, methods of active learning, professional competence.




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