Liliia Nikitchenko. Forming Professional Competence in The Process of Teaching Biology Students.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 78-82. Odessa.


Liliia Nikitchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Biology,
Vinnitsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky,
32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnitsia, Ukraine



The development of the society puts forward new requirements to the professional training of higher educational institutions students. Today special attention is paid to the development of graduates’ professional competence which is considered as a set of knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary for efficient performance of educational functions and harmonious development of a personality. The paper is aimed at theoretical grounding and experimental verification of pedagogical conditions contributing to the development of future Biology teachers’ professional competence in the process of their professional training. Based on the results of the carried out experiment there have been determined the following conditions of efficient formation of Biology students’ professional competence: providing the combination of theoretical material with practical activity in the process of professional training; activation of independent cognitive and research activity of students; providing the goals of professional training with personal meaning. The research outcomes have shown that purposeful use of the suggested pedagogical conditions improves the educational process and contributes to the efficient formation and development of future Biology teachers’ professional competence, which has been confirmed by dynamics of mean values in the experimental group of students.


professional competence, structure of competence, professional training, pedagogical conditions, future Biology teacher.




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