Volodymyr Stepashko. Technology of Competitive Selection of Candidates For The Position of A Rector of A Higher Educational Instiution.

(2017) Science and education, 8, 5-14. Odessa.


Volodymyr Stepashko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Education Management and Adult Education,
Hryhoriy Skovoroda State Pedagogical University of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky,
34, Sukhomlynskoho Str., Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



The paper presents the issue of scientifically grounded professional competitive selection of candidates to fill the position of a leader of a higher educational institution on the basis of competence-based, factorial and resultant approaches. We have developed a qualimetric (factorial-criterial) model of evaluating qualitative indicators of development level, a program of managerial competence development, a theoretical model of selecting candidates for the position of a leader of a higher educational institution. There are four factors in the qualimetric model: competitiveness, creative potential, managerial competence, conditions for managerial competence formation, which determine the effectiveness of university leader’s management activities. The program of university leader’s managerial competence development involves the following organizational measures: international internship according to recognized programs of EU countries, international internship at career development courses according to certified programs of EU countries, career development courses in the system of postgraduate education of Ukraine according to special elective programs, participation in international grant programs, participation in meetings of specialized academies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, acmeological counseling regarding professional development. The theoretical model of selecting candidates for the position of a higher educational institution leader consists of four stages. The first stage involves subsystems of computer expert diagnostics (the questioning of applicants) and preliminary competitive selection. At the second stage, the founder organizes intelligence testing (a specialized test and the test for assessing knowledge of mathematics and command of foreign languages). At the third stage (“Expert evaluation”), the founder organizes interview for a candidate with the personnel expert panel of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine alongside with democratic procedure of university rector election. At the fourth stage, quantitative indicators of the level of applicants’ managerial competence development are evaluated on the basis of the qualimetric model. It has been recommended to implement a transparent procedure of assessing the qualitative characteristics of the level of managerial competence of candidates for leadership positions at higher educational institutions. The system of candidate selection should include a subsystem of the formation and training of managerial personnel reserve for universities, information subsystem containing personal information about the candidates. Also, we find it reasonable to spread the use of expert systems, new technologies of competitive selection for the position of a university leader; to improve the current legislation that regulates the procedure of selecting candidates based on the experience of European countries.


 professional selection, qualimetric model, monitoring, selection model, management.




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