Tuncay Oral. Investigation of Forgiveness Levels in Vocational School Students.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 58-62. Odessa.


Tuncay Oral,
PhD (Counseling Psychological and Guidance), instructor,
Department of Child Care and Youth Services, Pamukkale University,
Çamlaraltı Mahallesi, University Cd., 11/A, Denizli, Turkey



Forgiveness plays an important role in being able to cope with the negative emotions that arise after the problems and the conflicts experienced by people. The study aims to investigate the forgiveness levels of vocational school students. In line with this aim, a total of 230 vocational school students consisting of 165 female (71.7%) and 65 male (28.3%) students were surveyed using Heartland Forgiveness Scale. Frequency, percent, mean and standard deviation analyses were used in this study. The research outcomes were computerized and tested with SPSS 16.0 program. According to the results of this research, there were 40 (17.4%) students with the low level of forgiveness, 157 (68.3%) respondents with the moderate level, and 33 (14.3%) students with the high one. The mean scores of low forgiveness level (x=14.11), moderate forgiveness level (x=27.40), and high forgiveness level (x=37.33) have been found. The fact that the students have a forgiveness average of 26.53 cannot be considered as negative, however, if the average score increases it will be better for students’ psychological health. Some recommendations to increase this score have been presented in the paper.


forgiveness, forgiveness levels, vocational school students.




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