Viktoriia Slabouz. Examination of Foreign Language University Teachers’ Reflexive and Perceptive Characteristics Manifestation.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 37-43. Odessa.


Viktoriia Slabouz,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Donbas State Pedagogical University,
19, Henerala Batiuka Str., Sloviansk, Ukraine



The article deals with the experimental investigation of the manifestation of the reflexive and perceptive characteristics of foreign language university teachers. The impact of reflexive and perceptive characteristics on the peculiarities of emotional reaction of lecturers in conflict situations and the efficiency of teaching activities has been identified. The insufficient level of the development of reflexive and perceptive characteristics of lecturers can result in emotional burnout; the adequacy of emotional reaction in conflict situations is essentially connected with the efficiency of teaching activities. In order to identify the respondents’ perceptive characteristics a targeted surveillance has been conducted. It is based on the scheme that fixes the lecturer’s ability to penetrate into the students’ inner spiritual world, the capacity for compassion and empathy, the ability to react responsively to students’ fatigue or difficulties of the learning material perception; to perceive psychological atmosphere in a group. The experiment involved 10 lecturers of foreign languages and 50 students of the 1st-3rd years of studying of the Faculty of Philology. As a result of the experiment the hypothesis has been confirmed which implies that the inadequate level of the development of the reflexive and perceptive skills of the lecturers forms such a stereotype of professional behavior as emotional burnout; there is a correlation between the adequacy of teacher’s emotional reaction in conflict situations and the effectiveness of his/her teaching activities.


 reflexive and perceptive characteristics, foreign language university teacher, syndrome of emotional burnout, semantic differential by Osgood, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.




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