Oleksii Chebykin, Olena Kosianova. Deceitfulness According To The Indicators of Emotional Maturity Methodology and Polygraph Examination.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 21-31. Odessa.


Oleksii Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
Olena Kosianova,
PhD (Candidate of psychological Sciences), lecturer of the Department of
Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



There has been developed a theoretical model of the polygraph research which consists of three groups of categories and concepts used in the organization, obtaining results and data interpretation: physiological characterizing the logics of these processes; psychological reflecting essential properties and relationships; instrumental-technical describing the polygraph method specificity. There has been created the polygraph questionnaire aimed at diagnosing deceitfulness that allows to identify and analyze indicators characterizing predisposition to verbal, concealed and general deception. The surveyed sample have been grouped according to: gender (men, women); areas of specialists’ training (psychology, history, physics, navigation, fine art); the degree of deceitfulness (high, medium, low); the type of emotional maturity (empathic, self-regulating, expressive, expressive-empathic). Summarizing the correlation analysis data concerning the general sample, it has been found that the integrative parameter of deceitfulness has the greatest number of correlations and is rather closely related to the indicators determining emotional maturity and its components: emotional expressiveness, emotional self-regulation and empathy. The intergroup factor analysis in the groups with different levels of predisposition to general deception has proved that, depending on the level of deceitfulness, there are changes in the dominance of any given components of emotional maturity. A thorough analysis has shown that there are significant interrelations between the indicators of deceitfulness and emotional maturity in the structure of the empathic type that may indicate high probabilistic deceitfulness. In general, the obtained results confirm our hypothesis stating that personality deceitfulness can be determined by the characteristics of emotional maturity, the main of which is the empathic constituent (according to the results of our study).


polygraph examination, types of emotional maturity, deceitfulness, diagnostics of personality deceitfulness based on the data of emotional maturity




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