Natalia Tsybuliak. Types of Professional Observation Skills of Future Preschool Teachers.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 16-21. Odessa.


Natalia Tsybuliak,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Applied Psychology and Speech-Language Pathology,
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University,
4, Shmidta Str., Berdiansk, Ukraine



The paper presents the results of theoretical and empirical study of future preschool teachers’ professional observation skills. The latter are considered as the basis for understanding children’s personal characteristics, which makes them particularly important among the professional qualities of a preschool teacher. The following methods were applied: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalisation of scientific literature); empirical (observation, questioning, testing); statistical (comparative and correlation analysis); interpretative (analysis, synthesis, systematisation of the data obtained). 234 third- and fourth-year students majoring in preschool education (6.010101) became participants of the study. Professional observation skills are considered as a professionally important quality, which involves fixation and interpretation of significant, typical and even barely noticeable external demonstrations of educational process participants’ personal characteristics. It has the following functions: research, organisational, motivative, prognostic, controlling, regulatory or correctional. Professional observation skills are characterised by the following structural components: motivational and target-oriented, cognitive, operational. The data obtained have made it possible to distinguish and characterise the types of future preschool teachers’ professional observation skills (perceptive, standard, potential, and superficial). It has been found that most of the students under study have the potential type, which is manifested in their desire and ability to notice personal characteristics of children, parents and colleagues. However, they make mistakes in interpretation of these demonstrations. These peculiarities indicate the need and opportunity for purposeful development of professional observation skills at the stage of future preschool teachers’ preparation for future work.


professional observation skills (perceptive, standard, potential, and superficial), professionally important quality, preschool teacher.




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