Vadym Zavatskyi, Nataliia Zavatskа, Liana Spitska. Peculiarities of Coping Behavior of Young People and Their Anticipation Skills in Post-Traumatic Situations.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 136-141. Odessa.


Vadym Zavatskyi,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
doctoral student, Department of Psychology and Sociology,
Nataliia Zavatskа,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Head of the Department of Applied Psychology and Social Work,
Liana Spitska,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Applied Psychology and Social Work,
Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University,
59А, Сentral Avenue, Severodonetsk, Ukraine



The paper aims to study the peculiarities of coping-strategies of young people and their anticipation skills in posttraumatic situations. The main task of the research is to examine personal coping-resources of young people and their impact on the process of social interaction, acquisition and application of adaptive skills which determine the conscious selection of stress coping strategies. The experiment involved 160 respondents (58.1% men and 48.4% women) aged from 20 to 30. The survey was based on the structured clinical interview (SCID) with the Clinically Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS), Impact of Events scale (IES-R), Traumatic Stress Inventory, Self-Attitude Inventory, Social Communicative Competence Method, as well as Life Style Index (LSI), Strategies of Avoiding Crisis Situations Inventory (SACS) and Multidimensional Scale of Perceiving Social Support (MSPSS). In has been found that the respondents tend to use emotion-focused variants of coping strategies (avoiding, emotional release, ignoring) which are less efficient as compared to problem-focused coping strategies. The limited application of cognitive variants of coping strategies results in insufficient efficiency of overcoming post-traumatic stress disorders by young people. The structure and components of coping behavior of young people and their anticipation skills in stressful situations have been considered as follows: at the personal level: expressed internal discomfort, negative self-attitude, high anxiety level, emotional instability, immature coping skills, etc.; at the interpersonal level: insufficient communication skills, social detachment, limitedness or absence of social support and experience of social interaction, decrease of flexibility and mobility of social behavior. Further research studies are planned to cover the opportunities of using correction programs for overcoming post-traumatic stress disorders in different age and profession groups, as well according to the nature of traumatic/catastrophic events.


 personality, coping behavior, anticipation, post-traumatic situation.




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