Viktoriia Kovalenko. Programme of Correction of Emotional Development Disorders in Mentally Retarded Primary School Students Taking One-On-One Training.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 11-15. Odessa.


Viktoriia Kovalenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Correctional Education and Special Psychology,
Kharkiv Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy,
7, Rustaveli lane, Kharkiv, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of correction of mentally retarded primary school students’ emotional development in one-on-one training environment. The learning environment is considered as a system of correctional impact on the development of a mentally retarded child by means of creating special conditions contributing to his/her health preservation, as well as on the formation of his/her personality as an integral structure consisting of such components as cognitive processes, emotional and volitional sphere, experience (knowledge, abilities, skills, and habits), needs, interests, goals, and motives. The learning environment of one-on-one training cannot be characterised by adaptability as it cannot provide a child with the conditions contributing to his/her acquisition of culture elements considering his/her age characteristics, internal resources and opportunities, which negatively affects his/her emotional development. That is why the correction of emotional development components is an important condition of mentally retarded children’s socialisation. The study aims to describe the developed complex programme of correction of mentally retarded primary school students’ (taking one-on-one training) emotional development. The programme is based on the technologies of direct and indirect influence. The technology of direct influence is applied to correct and develop the emotional sphere of mentally retarded school students. It involves the lessons of individual and group correction in terms of behavioural approach to psychocorrection. The technology of indirect influence is focused on the maximum realisation of correctional opportunities of the learning environment (home conditions). It provides the reconstruction of environmental and subject, psycho-didactic and social conditions which have an indirect impact on the harmonisation of the components of emotional development. The efficiency of the suggested programme has been proven by conducting the experiment among mentally retarded children living in some cities of Ukraine (Henichesk, Petrovske, Luhansk).


emotional development, intellectual disability, one-on-one training, correction, programme.




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