Oksana Davydova. Psychological Peculiarities of Teaching Profession.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 120-125. Odessa.


Oksana Davydova,
post-graduate student, University of Education Management,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
high level certificate psychologist,
Kremenchuk Lyceum of Information Technologies named after N. M. Shevchenko,
3, Oleha Koshovoho Str., Kremenchuk, Ukraine



The paper deals with the analysis of the results of the summative stage of the experiment aimed at examining the peculiarities of teaching profession. The study involved 205 teachers of different educational institutions of Kremenchuh, Poltava region, Ukraine. For studying the peculiarities of teaching profession and revealing the essence of its procedural component according to the parameters associated with professional competence and efficient work there was used Teacher’s Psychological Profile Method by H. Rezapkina and Z. Rezapkina. Besides, Personality SocioCommunication Competence Inventory was applied for studying the peculiarities of teaching profession more profoundly according to the operational (activity) criterion. In order to examine the efficiency of the operational (activity) component of teaching activities and to reveal individual differences in teaching activities regulation by teachers there was applied The Teaching Style Efficiency Scale by M. Aminov and N. Shelikhova. Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples was utilized in order to study the gender- and experience-related peculiarities of teachers. According to the research outcomes, there have been distinguished the following psychological peculiarities of teaching profession: a) the motivational component, which implies that teachers’ desire to avoid failures and events which cause negative emotions are not their leading motives, most of the pedagogues reflect the level of professional success in terms of satisfaction with work and its conditions, manifest interest in the process and results of professional activities, are satisfied with their own skills, personal qualities and their social role; b) the emotional and axiological component: most teachers face emotional overloads which are manifested in the instability of their emotional states; c) the operational (activity) component: most of the respondents possess highly developed communication skills, they are able to cope with problems and challenges, as a rule use democratic teaching style; gender characteristics and work experience determine the change in teachers’ didactic communication.


 teaching profession, teaching methods, structure of teaching, components of teaching, levels of development, characteristics of didactic communication, gender peculiarities.




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