Lyubov Spivak. Transformations of Personality’s National Self-Consciousness in Youth.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 115-119. Odessa.


Lyubov Spivak,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor,
Department of Theoretical and Counselling Psychology,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the results of empirical research of transformations of personality’s national self-consciousness according to the types of national identity in youth. Transformational tendencies of the development of personality’s national self-consciousness in youth according to the types of national identity were studied by means of a method “Types of ethnic identity” (by G. Soldatova, S. Ryzhova). The survey involved 1303 respondents of Ukrainian nationality aged from 17 to 22. In general, age dynamics of the development of personality’s national self-consciousness in youth according to the types of national identity is positive. Namely, starting from the age of 17-18 up to 21-22 the number of the respondents with national self-consciousness according to “positive national identity” type slightly increases. They have positive image of their nation and positive attitude towards it which optimally correlates with their tolerant attitude towards other ones. At the same time, it has been revealed that from the age of 17-18 to 21-22 the amount of the respondents with national self-consciousness according to transformed types of national identity slightly decreases. This much smaller number of young people possesses the following characteristics: the irrelevance of nationality, values and features of their nation; uncertainty of their national belonging, etc. The research outcomes can be applied when organizing psychological support for the development of university students’ national self-consciousness.


national self-consciousness, types of national identity, transformations, development, personality, youth.




1. Soldatova, G. U. (1998). Psikhologiya mezhetnicheskoy napryazhonnosti [Psychology of Interethnic Tension]. Moscow: Smysl [in Russian].
2. Spivak, L. N. (2014). Psychological Foundations for the Development of the Young Person’s National SelfConsciousness. – European Applied Sciences, 1, 94-96 [in English].




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