Anzhelika Shamne. Variable-Typology Mapping of Psychosocial Development in Adolescence.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 89-93. Odessa.


Anzhelika Shamne,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor,
Department of Social Work and Psychology,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
10, Heroyiv Oborony St., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper, based on the methodology of the factor and variable patterns analyses, deals with a typological map of individual forms of development in adolescence. Personal (motivation, value orientations, communicative options), subjective (autonomy, self-regulation, locus of control) and social behavioral (styles, forms, strategies of functionality and social activity) characteristics of teenagers are used as the criteria of typification. The sample was formed by university students (N = 460, 34% males). Four types of the psychosocial development were identified (harmonious, subjectively-dominant, depending adaptive and disintegrated). The constructive development in adolescence is represented by the “harmonious” type. It has the following characteristics: a balance between the individual and the social in the structure of development, productive solving of age-specific problems and efficiency of functioning (psychosocial integration). The non-constructive (unproductive) model is represented by the types focusing on the hyper-social (“depending adaptive” type) or hypo-social (“subjectively-dominant type”) mindsets. The representatives of the depending adaptive type are dependent on other people and circumstances, and the adolescents of the subjectively-dominant type can be marked by the reduced social interest and desire to dominate.


psychological social development, the type of development, adolescence, individualization, personality, typification criteria, prevention.




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