Natalya Karhina. Self-Sufficiency as a Resource of Individual’s Psychological Well-Being.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 76-82. Odessa.


Natalya Karhina,
post-graduate student, Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
Fontanka Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article highlights the results of the empirical research of the phenomenon of psychological well-being, which included the analysis of its components and features in correlation with self-sufficiency indicators. The issue of correlation between the peculiarities of psychological well-being of the individual and the phenomenon of self-sufficiency is considered to be understudied and requires detailed and comprehensive analysis. The experiment involved 408 full-time students majoring in different specialties aged from 16 to 24. The survey was conducted using the “Test-Inventory of Psychological Well-Being” by N. Karhina and “Self-sufficiency Structural Components Inventory” by A. Buhaitsova. The results were processes by means of IBM SPSS Statistics 21.00 для Windows. With the help of correlation analysis, it has been found that structural levels of psychological well-being are marked by positive symptoms with indicators of self-sufficiency. The profiles and indicators of self-sufficiency in groups of individuals with a high level of psychological well-being and low psychological well-being have been considered and compared. Special attention is paid to existential, philosophical and axiological scales, whose importance in the structure of psychological well-being is emphasized by close interrelations with all indicators of self-sufficiency, so they are of particular importance in the structure of psychological personality’s well-being. Close correlations between the phenomena of psychological well-being and self-sufficiency have been revealed at р  0,01 level. Thus, a psychologically prosperous person is at the same time a self-sufficient personality characterized by independent and altruistic aims, for whom hostility and cynicism towards others are not peculiar characteristics. It should also be noted that in some cases, self-sufficiency may negatively affect psychological well-being when the person estranges himself/herself from the society and withdraws into himself/herself, he/she becomes anxious, avoids contacts with people, etc. However, in it should be emphasized that self-sufficiency supports overall psychological well-being of a personality and gives the opportunity for self-development and selfunderstanding.


well-being, psychological well-being, personality, self-sufficiency, resource.




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