Tetiana Bilous, Maryana Dikal, Liudmyla Kaniovska. Risk Assessment of the Development and Signs of Emotional Burnout Syndrome in Lecturers of Theoretical and Practical Departments of Medical University.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 70-75. Odessa.


Tetiana Bilous,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pediatrics and Children Infectious Diseases,
Maryana Dikal,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry,
Liudmyla Kaniovska,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Occupational Diseases,
Bukovinian State Medical University,
2, Teatralna Square, Chernivtsi, Ukraine



The paper aims to determine the presence and assess the intensity of the formation of emotional burnout syndrome in medical university lecturers. The experiment involved 48 lecturers who were divided into two groups. The first group of respondents included 27 representatives of theoretical departments (average age is 39.8, 87.5% females, average working experience is 16.0 years), the second group included 21 lecturers from clinical departments (average age is 36.9, 81.0% females, average pedagogical experience is 13.4 years, р˃0.05). In order to examine the degree of emotional burnout syndrome the adapted Emotional Burnout Syndrome Inventory by V. Boyko was used. Experiencing psycho-traumatic circumstances was found to occur most frequently among the signs of “strain” phase (р˂0.05), as well as anxiety and depression in the sphere of professional duties fulfillment (р˃0.05). The results obtained are indicative of a probable prevailing of the formation of all the symptoms of “resistance” phase among the representatives of the 1 st group as compared to the respondents of the 2nd group. Emotional deficiency symptom of “exhaustion” phase was found to occur most frequently, and at the moment of carrying out the survey it was formed in 37.0% individuals of the 1st group and 4.8% representatives of the 2nd group (р˂0.05). At the same time, odds ratio of the formation of emotional deficiency symptom in the lecturers of theoretical departments in comparison with the staff members of clinical departments was 4.75, relative risk – 2.0, absolute risk – 0.37, post-testing probability – 67.9%. Personality rejection symptom (depersonalization) possessed rather high probability to be formed in the lecturers of theoretical departments: odds ratio was 4.2, relative risk – 1.7, likelihood ratio – 2.9, post-testing probability of events – 74.0%. Emotional burnout syndrome among the lectures of the medical university is being formed in three phases. In the strain phase it is mostly characterized by excessive experience of psycho-traumatic circumstances, anxiety and depression; in resistance phase it is manifested in emotional thriftiness, and in exhaustion phase – by emotional deficiency and emotional rejection. The formation of emotional burnout syndrome is found to occur among the staff members of theoretical departments as compared to the representatives of clinical departments of the university.


emotional burnout syndrome, medical university, lecturers, phases.




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