Nataliia Orlova. Efficiency of Mind Mapping For The Development of Speaking Skills in Students of Non-Linguistic Study Fields.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 151-161. Odessa.


Nataliia Orlova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,
81, Shevchenko Boulevard, Cherkasy, Ukraine



Teaching the art of profession-related communication to students of non-linguistic study fields allows instructors to explain their students how to keep up the conversation using facts, data, concepts etc. specific to the area of their future profession. It activates the acquisition processes as well as increases students’ motivation to study. The formation of oral monologue speaking skills in students of non-linguistic study fields is one of the tasks within the course of Foreign (English) Language for Specific Purposes. This process is associated with certain difficulties, which can inhibit learning and demotivate students to study. Among strategies and techniques aiding learning that can be used to improve performance and study outcomes during the course and can be implemented for the enhancement of speaking on occupation-related topics, the mind mapping technique is of specific relevance. It can serve as an interesting and useful tool serving to enhance quality of oral speaking skills in the students majoring in Psychology as the representatives of non-linguistic study fields. The article analyses the carried out research concerning the facilitating impact of mind mapping on the oral speech performance of Psychology students. The study hypothesis implies that the use of the mind-mapping technique in the process of preparing for and presenting the talk in the study sessions enhances students’ oral monologue speech performance. In order to check the hypothesis, we have conducted the experiment in Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy at the Department of Psychology. The study involved 46 first-year students, including 34 female and 12 male participants. The respondents were randomly assigned to the experimental mind-mapping group of 23 students (including 6 males) and the control group of 23 students (including 6 males as well). The students in the experimental group were involved into the experiment using the mind-mapping technique during their study, and the students in the control group continued their studying in the usual way. The hypothesis was confirmed. The mind map use stimulates activity of both brain hemispheres, thus making it easier for students to memorise thematic vocabulary, follow the logical sequence of the talk when speaking. The research findings have shown the effectiveness of implementing the mind-mapping technique into the university course of teaching English for Specific Purposes to develop, advance and master students’ professional communicative competence. Consistent use of mind maps will also promote the educational process efficiency and have positive effects on the general formation of competitive skilled specialists.


mind maps, mind-mapping technique, English for Specific Purposes, oral monologue speech, nonlinguistic study fields.




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