Liliya Morska, Iryna Levchyk. Formation of Professional English Competence in Future Psychologists’ Speech.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 136-141. Odessa.


Liliya Morska,
PhD (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
head of the Department of English Philology,
Iryna Levchyk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University,
2, Maksyma Kryvonosa Str., Ternopil, Ukraine



The article highlights the peculiarities of teaching professional English to future psychologists to use it when dealing with conflict situations. The developed methodology is aimed at modelling the teaching process taking into consideration the content of learning, its purposes, methods and control tools. The relevance of the issue studied is caused by the absence of an integrated methodology of teaching the foundations of professional activity and foreign language communication to future psychologists concerning their role of a conflict mediator. In focus of close interconnection of linguistic and occupational activities the psychological characteristics of generation and reproduction of mediator’s communication in the mediation process have been investigated, therefore the main types of mediators’ communicative behaviour according to the algorithm of their professional activity have been determined. They include auditory speaking behaviour (introductory skills), dialogue and polylogue speaking behaviour (clarifying skills), informative selective speaking behaviour (alternative speaking skills), verbal motivating speaking behaviour (persuasive skills), and spontaneous regulative speaking behaviour (contractual skills). In accordance with the designed model of the formation of professional English competence in future psychologists’ speech the subsequent system of exercises with accompanying methodological recommendations has been described. During the experimental trials the questioners and tests were used in experimental and control groups. The results of control test at the final stage of the experiment have shown positive dynamics of students-psychologists’ English professional competence in the experimental groups according to the established criteria.


professionally oriented English, modelling of the teaching process, psychologist-mediator, types of communicative behaviour, algorithm of professional activity, speaking skills.




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