(2017) Science and education, 6, 12-16. Odessa.
Raisa Prima,
PhD (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences), professor, Department of Pedagogy,
Kateryna Desiatnyk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior teacher, Department of Pedagogy,
Oksana Durmanenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior teacher, Department of Pedagogy,
East-Ukrainian National University named after Lesia Ukrayinka,
13, Voli Av., Lutsk, Ukraine
The article is focused on the need for the “teacher-pupil-parents” triad cooperation in upbringing junior pupils’ spirituality as an essential personality trait. According to the research plan, the intensification of cooperation in the “teacher-pupilparent” triad is directed at building a constructive dialogue in a relationship with a child by a family and school, which is considered in the study as a condition for the full development of the child’s personality, upbringing his/her spirituality in the process of family and school interaction; an effective form of teaching cooperation, partnership in junior pupils’ spirituality upbringing. The aim of the paper is to analyze the theoretical and applied aspects of the dialogue as a constructive form of relationships, teaching cooperation, partnership in the process of family and school interaction. The dialogue is considered as a multi-facet phenomenon, a unique environment for the formation of a spiritually mature person, which enables him/her to acquire the ability to deepen in himself/herself, to realize his/her feelings, to reveal the world of his/her feelings as universal characteristics of personality developing educational technologies, the basis of a full real interpersonal communication. Some fragments of the research and experimental methodology of upbringing junior pupils’ spirituality, tested at the formation and enrichment stage, aimed at optimizing family and children’s relationships, spiritual enrichment of the family and school environment by means of using “Lessons of Spirituality”, parental and school curriculum of pedagogical interaction “We are together, we are partners” are also presented in the paper.
intensification, spirituality upbringing, dialogue, partnership, cooperation, “teacher-pupil-parents” triad.
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