(2017) Science and education, 4, 20-28. Odessa.
Andrii Halai,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
Board member of the Association of Legal Clinics of Ukraine, professor,
Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Law,
Serhii Hrechaniuk,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
Head of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Law,
Ternopil National Economic University,
11, Lvivska Str., Lviv, Ukraine,
Yevhen Sobol,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines and Administrative Law,
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University,
1, Shevchenko Str., Kirovohrad, Ukraine
The research relevance is determined by the fact that law clinic education as an educational technology is a special form of law students’ self-studying at higher educational institutions which involves mastering of legal profession skills, gaining practical experience concerning different forms of practical lawyer’s activities. Law clinic education is an approbated mechanism of providing students with the opportunity to perform analytical and juridical, as well as law education activities in law clinics. The paper aims to reveal the characteristic features and describe ways of implementing informal legal education of adolescents in terms of a special programme “Street law” (“Practical Law” in Ukraine), which is a common phenomenon all over the world. This technique involves teaching special training course “Street law” with the use of interactive methods to adolescents. Street law is considered to be more efficient than other forms of legal education due to its high quality: all the training courses are developed by highly-qualified lawyers and pedagogues, focused on the specific age category and consider its psychic development, etc. The organisation and conducting lessons in the form of Street law should be based on the following positions: the target audience of Street law is senior school students; the searching for school can be carried out by means of collaboration with educational authorities or upon the recommendation of the educational institutions which have positive experience in terms of conducting such lessons, or independently by students; a competent team out of the law clinic participants should be formed in order to conduct the lessons; it is desirable to engage a psychologist, who will help to work with adolescents and determine the law clinic candidates’ readiness to work with them; the efficient organisational mechanism of interactive lessons development should be created (involving plan, scenario, handout materials); the quality assessment of law clinics’ work in terms of conducting lessons in the form of Street law should be regularly carried out.
law clinic, street law, programme, informal legal education, legal educational activities.
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