(2017) Science and education, 4, 181-188. Odessa.
Tetiana Holubenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Technology of Social Work,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
The article represents the results of summative and formative assessment of scientific and pedagogical factors of the formation of future social workers’ readiness for home-nursing work with elderly people. In order to optimize the educational process a careful search has been made to find such variants of the best scientific and methodical decision making that would most effectively contribute to the formation of future social workers’ readiness for home-nursing work with the elderly on the basis of students’ mastering the basic social and pedagogical knowledge and skills. In the present study scientific and pedagogical factors of the formation of future social workers’ readiness for home-nursing work with elderly people are represented by a combination of four components: motivational-value, cognitive-orientative, content-professional and practical-activity. In accordance with them, there have been formulated four criteria for the mentioned structural components: value, informational, competence and activity. There have been described the levels of future social workers’ readiness for home-nursing work with the elderly by identifying specific features that characterize the manifestation of their main criteria. The low level of readiness is considered to be the initial one. The medium level (reproductive) characterizes students’ emotional and value attitude to the problems of professional selfimprovement. The high level (constructive) is characterized by a full realization of students’ motivational-value, cognitiveorientative, content-operational and practical-activity readiness for home-nursing work with the elderly. Readiness for homenursing work with elderly people has been determined as a socio-psychological and professional manifestation of the relationship between professional orientation and other important personality traits (worldview, life attitudes and spiritual values, moralvolitional and emotional spheres), which involves the formation of moral values, intellectual qualities, knowledge, abilities and skills for home-nursing work with elderly people. There have been analyzed real conditions of future social workers’ readiness for home-nursing work with the elderly according to three levels of value, informational, competence and activity criteria at the summative and formative stages of the experiment. Analyzing the data of evaluation of future social workers’ readiness for homenursing work with elderly people it has been proved that there are advantages of readiness indicators formation according to four criteria, which consist in person-oriented training, developing a practical orientation in the process of future social workers’ readiness formation towardsthe mentioned professional activity.
readiness, readiness formation, diagnostic experiment, formative experiment, home-nursing work, the elderly, future social worker.
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