Natalia Chukhlantseva. Integration of Active Videogames in Physical Training of School Students.

(2017) Science and education, 4, 14-20. Odessa.

Natalia Chukhlantseva,
(PhD) Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, associate professor,
Department of Physical Culture and Sports Administration,
Zaporizhzhya National Technical University,
64 Zhukovskoho Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



Introduction of ICT into Physical Education aims to modernize traditional pedagogy, change methods and organizational forms of training highly qualified teachers and coaches, to intensify sports and recreational activities among all society members. Active videogames can be used for improving motor activity of young people. Active videogames that require strength, coordination and flexibility are integrated into the curriculum of physical education schools and colleges of developed countries, combining physical education with gaming by means of using the player’s body movements as a controller. The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that the technology of “exergames” (exercises+games) is not used in the educational process of physical culture in Ukraine. Besides, this issue is understudied in the Ukrainian scientific and methodological literature. The research aims to review publications about the application of videogames or “exergames” in the field of physical culture and sports. The research papers published in international databases SPORT Discus, ERIC, Dialnet, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, PubMed, as well as websites of games and applications producers were reviewed. According to the research criteria, 20 studies were chosen and analyzed. The following videogame consoles were analyzed and discussed in the paper: Microsoft Xbox, Sony Playstation, Dance Dance Revolution, Cybex Trazer, Cateye Game Bike, Sportwall, Dance Mat, etc. The peculiarities of the following videogames, applications and special programs for the development of students’ physical skills were reviewed: Nintendo Wii, Wii Fit, Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012, Kinect Adventures, Kinect Sports, EyeToy, Zumba Fitness Rush, Dance Central 3, Nike+ Kinect Training, UFC Personal Trainer, EA Sports Active 2, Nike+ Kinect Training, EA Sports Active 2 и UFC Personal Trainer, Kanomi Dance Dance Revolution (DDR), Cateye Virtual Bike от Sony Play Station, Nintendo Wii Sports Baseball, Nintendo Wii Sports Tennis, Nintendo Wii Boxing, Dance Dance Revolution. It can be concluded that the rational use of “exergames” in physical culture promotes physical, psychological, intellectual development of students, encourages them to physical activity through the development of their motivational sphere.


information technologies, motor skills, еxergaming, motor activity, active video games, health.




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