(2017) Science and education, 4, 68-73. Odessa.
Olena Bilhorodska,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Drawing, Painting and Architectural Graphics,
Kateryna Kucherenko,
teaching assistant, Department of Drawing, Painting and Architectural Graphics,
Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
4, Didrikhsona Str., Odesa, Ukraine
The paper is focused on one of the major architectural disciplines, Composition, which is closely related to drawing, painting, history of arts, colour science, aesthetics, and philosophy. The research aims to prove and analyse the reasonability of forming compositional thinking in the system of art education of future architects. Compositional thinking is considered as an independent kind of mental activity, since it involves compositional mental process with its operations and final result, which is the basis for creative and imaginative thinking. Theoretical knowledge obtained by students studying the subject “Drawing, Painting, Sculpture” is the basis for professional deep understanding of the rules, principles and means of artistic and compositional shaping of artificial systems as an essential component of a student’s professional competence and creative thinking. This theoretical and practical knowledge enables future artists or architects to estimate aesthetic and imaginative value of compositional artworks, gain an insight of their harmonious composition, be fully aware of the mechanisms of these work’s impact on the sphere of human emotions and feelings. While dealing with artistic and compositional tasks provided by the training course, students’ compositional thinking is activated, their creative potential is developed. The latter implies comprehensive understanding of the problematic area of an architect’s or artist’s activities and correlating it with the system of methodological principles of solving certain problem situations in his/her career
architectural education, composition, compositional thinking, art education, drawing.
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