Vadym Zavatskyi, Anatoliy Tkach, Andrii Fedorov. Socio-Psychological Principles of Supporting Personality’s Subjective Well-Being in Contemporary Society.

(2017) Science and education, 3, 37-40. Odessa.

Vadym Zavatskyi,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Practical Psychology and Social Work,
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University,
59A, Tsentralnyi Avenue, Severodonetsk, Ukraine ,
Anatoliy Tkach,
Dr hab., professor, Department of Theoretical Economics,
Rzeszow University of Technology,
12, Powstańców Warszawy Str., 35-959, Rzeszow, Poland
Andrii Fedorov,
Vice-rector, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University,
59-a, Zentralnyi avenue, Severodonetsk, Ukraine



The paper aims to analyse the principles of the development and functioning of the integrated socio-psychological programme of supporing subjective well-being of a married person. Psychocorrection involved 52 participants (26 married couples) who formed the experimental group (EG) and 54 participants (27 couples) who formed the control one (CG). The participants of the study were divided into the groups on a voluntary basis. The participants of the control group did not undergo any psychocorrectional treatment. The participants of the experimental group were divided into 5 subgroups, each of them consisting of 8-12 people. During 6 months, each subgroup attended psychocorrectional sessions twice a week; after that, the sessions were conducted once a week for 6 months more. The programme was being implemented in three successive stages, each of them included thematic, organisational and reflexive substages and was represented by a set of sessions targeted at achieving a certain goal. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data obtained after formative impact makes it possible to conclude that the chosen methods of psychological aid in socio-psychological support of subjective well-being of a married person are effective for solving the following problems: increasing the level of emotional comfort; self-fulfilment in marriage at the operational level, the level of values and role sets; optimism; moral motivation; development of reflexion, internality, self-analysis skills, the ability to differentiate and express one’s emotions; expanding the experience in conflict-free communication in the system of interpersonal familial role-based interaction of spouses, orientation at self-actualisation; increasing the general integrated index of satisfaction with marriage.


a personality, subjective well-being, counselling, psychocorrection, psychotherapy.




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