Tamara Pushkariova. Psycho-Pedagogical Aspect of Instructional Design.

(2017) Science and education, 3, 11-18. Odessa.

Tamara Pushkariova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
Head of the Department of Project Management,
Institute of Educational Modernisation,
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
36, Lipkovskoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The study of the current problems of instructional design has revealed the need for considering psychological and educational aspects of this process. As far as instructional design is regarded as a special kind of activity, the psychopedagogical support is essential for ensuring its effectiveness. The study deals with the following issues of psycho-pedagogical support of instructional design at different levels of school education: content, methods and learning technologies, as well as designing learning environment and learning tools. Teaching practice proves that implementation of any innovation project requires both psychological and pedagogical support. The latter provides conditions for professional growth and commitment to implement innovative educational technologies into the educational process. It should be mentioned that competence approach is very important in instructional design. The new concept of Ukrainian national education is now being built basing on this approach. On the one hand, the structure of educational project in its psychological vision is considered to be associated with the presence of its performers’ main competencies, and on the other hand, it can contribute effectively to their formation. Psycho-pedagogical aspects of instructional design are revealed in terms of including all components that influence the sequence and nature of the project participants. Specifically, it refers to the complex psychological and pedagogical analysis and diagnostics, systematic and comprehensive analysis and predicting, developing tasks for personal development, design, creating story line projects, developing project plans, designing personality-developing projects, etc.


instructional design, competence approach, psychological and pedagogical support.




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