Anna Shydelko. Emotional Stability of an Individual: Research Into the Topic.

(2017) Science and education, 3, 85-89. Odessa.

Anna Shydelko,
PhD (Candidate of Sociological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General Psychology,
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs,
1, Kryvonosa Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The paper aims to provide a critical review of the theoretical substantiation of the phenomenon of emotional stability in scientific literature, to categorize scholars’ views on psychological peculiarities of emotional stability in adulthood. The study deals with the psychological theories of personality by S. Rubinstein; theories of emotional phenomena by L. Abolin, B. Vardanyan, E. Ilyin, J. Reykowski, O. Chernikova; basic principles of psychocorrection and psycho-social training by T. Yatsenko; manifestations of emotional life by V. Semychenko and others. Emotional stability is considered as a multifaceted integrative personality trait based on four main components – emotional (emotional anxiety or arousal), motivational (power of motivation), intellectual (evaluation, prediction, decision-making in extraordinary situations), typological (peculiarities of the nervous system) – which determine the performance and adequacy of behavior of an individual in solving problems under extreme and stressful conditions. It is an integral part of personal development and adaptation to the world. Emotional stability and emotional vulnerability can be contrasted as opposing properties in terms of their importance for the successful balancing of an individual within the ever-changing environment.


emotional stability, an individual, activity, behavior, adulthood, mental state.




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