Zoriana Kovalchuk. Psychological Analysis of Intrapersonal Conflict in Secondary School Students.

(2017) Science and education, 3, 73-77. Odessa.

Zoriana Kovalchuk,
Doctor of Psychology,
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs at Faculty No. 7,
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs,
1, Kryvonosa Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The article deals with the phenomenon of interpersonal conflict in secondary school students. The survey involved 53 respondents including 30 girls and 23 boys aged from 12 to 14 using the following methods: E. Fantalova’s ValueAttainability Ratio in Various Life Spheres Scale; Lazarus’ Coping Test; Butler and Haigh’s Correlation between the Actual and Ideal Self Test and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. According to the research results, intrapersonal conflict was detected in 35 children (66%). One of the most effective psychological technologies for intrapersonal conflict elimination in children and adolescents is socio-psychological training whose positive effect is ensured by the basic principles of working in the group. It should involve exercises for the formation of an adequate self-esteem; for the development of empathy and tolerance. Also, the training sessions should include exercises to eliminate anxiety, reduce aggression and to control it; to form the ability to make decisions independently, considering their consequences (both positive and negative) and bear responsibility for them, etc.


intrapersonal conflict, adolescent, coping strategies, boundary condition, self-concept.




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