Mariana Dikal, Oksana Cherniukh, Tetiana Bilous, Nina Voitkevych. Peculiarities of Formation and Signs of Emotional Burnout Syndrome in Medical University Teachers.

(2017) Science and education, 3, 63-68. Odessa.

Mariana Dikal,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry,
Oksana Cherniukh,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry,
Tetiana Bilous,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pediatrics and Children Infectious Diseases,
Nina Voitkevych,
senior lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages,
Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University”,
2, Teatralna Square, Chernivtsi, Ukraine



Peculiarities of the development and signs of emotional burnout syndrome among teaching staff of theoretical departments at Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University” have been examined. In order to assess the degree of emotional burnout the adapted V. Boyko’s method was applied, according to which not only the signs of emotional burnout, its degree of the formation and stages of the development can be detected, but also the availability of psychosomatic and psycho-vegetative disorders. The formation of emotional burnout syndrome among university teachers is considered to have the following three stages: exertion, resistance and exhaustion. The exertion stage is predominantly characterized by excessive worries caused by psychological traumatic experience, anxiety and depression. The resistance stage is manifested in emotional thriftiness and emotional-moral disorientation. The exhaustion stage is characterized by emotional deficiency, psychosomatic and psycho-vegetative disorders. It has been revealed that the two stages of emotional burnout – exertion and resistance – were developed in 2 teachers out of the 27 participants of the sample. Their main symptoms are felling of being cornered which is the indicative of the development of intellectual-emotional block condition, desire to finish working day as soon as possible, feelings of anxiety and depression with simultaneous formation of professional duty reduction symptom. The resistance stage has been found in six teachers. It manifests in reduction of professional duties, low interest in work and deterioration of professional activities. The resistance and exhaustion stages have been found in four teachers. Their most pronounced symptoms are greater emotional thriftiness, which manifests in the limited communication with the audience, decreased interest in work and emotional deficiency, when people lose their professional abilities, change positive emotions into negative ones, become rude in communication. All the three stages of emotional burnout syndrome have been detected in four teachers (mostly women). Their dominating signs are worries concerning psychological traumatic circumstances characterized by intensified irritation and lack of confidence to people, accumulated dissatisfaction of the situation. At the same time, its most pronounced sign is wide emotional thriftiness which manifests in the lack of desire to communicate with the audience and decreased interest in work. It has been revealed that the signs of emotional burnout syndrome of university teachers do not depend on the field of study taught by them, although the emotional burnout syndrome develops mainly in the teachers who teach their subject in English.


emotional burnout syndrome, lecturer, exertion stage, resistance stage, exhaustion stage, emotional thriftiness.




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