Nataliia Leshchii. Challenges of Improving Special Education in Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 5-9. Odessa.

Nataliia Leshchii,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Defectology and Physical Rehabilitation,
Ushynsky University,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The paper deals with the analysis of the legislative framework of the system of special education in Ukraine. There is a need for the optimisation of the system of special educational institutions, which is carried out by means of implementing inclusive education, reducing the number of boarding schools and creating a new type of special institutions (training and rehabilitation centres) for children with special needs. The thing is that according to the regulations on the training and rehabilitation centre, it should be attended by children with complex psychophysiological disorders, but now there are many students studying at such centres who do not fall into this category (for example, children with cerebral palsy who have speech disorders as a secondary defect). At the same time, it will be too difficult for such children to attend inclusive classes. Moreover, the issue about the proper effect of this rehabilitation aid is disputed. Thus, there is a need for specifying a term "children with complex psychophysiological developmental disorder" (i.e. subsuming the children who have the man disorder and coexistent psychophysicological disorders into this category). Another way of solving this problem is the increase of the number of students of training and rehabilitation centres, which will make it possible to engage students attending inclusive classes, who will be able to go to rehabilitation centres and obtain efficient medical and rehabilitation service after classes.


special education, problems, challenges, prospects, improvement, Ukrainian education.




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2. Sait portalu «Osvita». Chy potribni shkolyinternaty dlia uchniv z osoblyvymy potrebamy [Site of the portal “Education”. Are boarding-schools necessary for children with special needs?]. Retrieved from:

Yuliia Medvid. Improving the Process of Training Reserve Officers in Ukraine as a Pedagogical Issue.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 9-15. Odessa.

Yuliia Medvid,
researcher of Scientific Organization Department,
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine,
3, Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy square, Kharkiv, Ukraine



The research studies devoted to the issue of military training of Ukrainian citizens according to the reserve officers training programme do not consider the following factors: changing the way of military units manning (transition from conscription to a contract form); implementation of some standards by NATO in the military sphere; the experience of fighting in the east of Ukraine, as well as the increasing of social anxiety because military training is not paid by the state but by people going to defend the motherland. The paper is aimed at revealing the aspects of improving the process of military training of Ukrainian citizens according to the training programme for reserve officers. The following contradictions in the field of military education in Ukraine have been revealed: between the need for transition to the contract military service and the absence of the educational programmes for its provision; between the need of accepting NATO standards and the absence of the conditions for their implementation in the military educational system of Ukraine; between the need for revising the system of military training according to the programme of training reserve officers and the absence of the defined list of necessary competences which should be developed in officers; between the need of the state for training competent military staff and the absence of necessary money in the government budget for the training. For the successful improvement of the process of training reserve officers in Ukraine the following tasks should be performed: review NATO standards concerning the military training of citizens and create conditions for their implementation in the national military educational system; study the citizens’ motivation for entering military educational institutions; determine the list of future reserve officers’ competences; theoretically substantiate and experimentally prove a set of pedagogical conditions for the formation of these competences in future reserve officers; define criteria, indices and levels of military training of Ukrainian citizens according to the reserve officers programme; develop and experimentally verify the model of military training of Ukrainian citizens according to the reserve officers programme. The further research is aimed at performing the above mentioned tasks.


military education, military training, reserve officers training programme.




1. Pro zatverdzhennya Instruktsiyi pro orhanizatsiyu viyskovoyi pidhotovky hromadyan Ukrayiny za prohramoyu pidhotovky ofitseriv zapasu, nakaz Minoborony Ukrayiny, Ministersva osvity i nauky Ukrayiny vid 14.12.2015 № 719/1289 [On approval of the Instruction about the citizens of Ukraine military training program for reserve officers, ordered Defense Ministry of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 14.12.2015 № 719/1289]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

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Tetiana Sovik. Technological Skills as a Component of Music and Aesthetic Competence of Future Primary School Teachers.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 16-20. Odessa.

Tetiana Sovik,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Musical Arts,
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University,
61, Ohiienka Str., Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine



New requests of modern primary school education cause the revision of requirements to professional competence of future teachers. Among other competencies the actual one is musical and aesthetic competence of a primary school teacher as development of creative potential of a personality of a pupil depends on it. Musical and aesthetic competence includes a number of skills (value and motivational, cognitive, technological, practice and activity). The technological skills are of particular importance, as they accumulate the above-stated skills – mastering knowledge, skills and abilities according to indicators: technique of teaching the perception of a musical work; technique of teaching singing; technique of teaching the basics of musical literacy; technique of teaching children to play musical instruments; technique of teaching musical and rhythmic movements; technique of development of primary school pupils’ creative abilities. For a more differentiated approach in the assessment of skills and abilities of students, there have been developed a three-level qualitative characteristic. Carrying out measurements on these indicators helped to trace the level of formation of technological skills of future primary school teachers, to reveal shortcomings and the need for improvement of pedagogical conditions of their formation.


technological skills, musical and aesthetic competence, future primary school teachers.





1. Vvedenskiy, V. N. (2003). Modelirovaniye professionalnoy kompetentnosti pedagoga [The modelling of professional competence of a teacher]. Minsk: Pedagogika [in Russian].

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Mariia Chepil. Child as the Subject of Education in Sofia Rusova’s Pedagogical Legacy.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 20-24. Odessa.

Mariia Chepil,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Head of the Department of General Education and Early Childhood Education,
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University,
24, Ivan Franko Str. Drohobych, Ukraine



Emergence and subsequent transformation of pedagogical paradigms in the course of historical and pedagogical process inevitably lead to the development of new concepts of education, new models of preschools and schools. Today Sofia Rusova’s creative output is actively being implemented into the theory and practice of Ukrainian national education system. The issue of childhood is multifaceted and requires detailed studying. The paper aims to reveal S. Rusova’s pedagogical views of the child as the subject of education. The child with his/her innate inclinations, abilities and capabilities is the core of S. Rusova’s educational concepts. Every child is a product of biological and anthropological processes. Thus, the article highlights biological characteristics of childhood as well as educational tools and methods that contribute to the most efficient development of natural instincts and abilities. Personality arises through activity and develops in the society. Development and formation of an individual is a long and complex dialectical process of socialization in which he/she acquires moral and psychological qualities, learns rules and standards of conduct and public consciousness. And it is the teacher who must take responsibility, make the child loyal and search for ways of better guiding the child. The main factors in the formation and development of children are education, background, and environment. The activities of educational institutions should primarily focus on the development of personal skills and talents. Preschools and schools should become keepers of national treasures and centuries-old traditions. Teaching local culture and history brings schools closer to real-life circumstances. S. Rusova’s pedagogical ideas can become a ground for establishing innovative pedagogical theories and practice in Ukraine.


child, education, teacher, preschool, school, Sofia Rusova.




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9. Chepil, M. M. (1996). S. Rusova pro pratsyu yak nevidemnu chastynu natsionalnoho vykhovannya [S. Rusova on labor as an integral component of national education]. Ideya natsionalnoyi shkoly u pedahohichnii spadshchyni Sofii Rusovoi ta Stepana Siropolka: materialy Vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. – The concept of national school in S. Rusova and S.Siropolk’s creative legacy: National conference proceedings (Ukraine), (pp. 164-165) [in Ukrainian].

10. Chepil, M. M. (2001). S. Rusova pro rol zmistu osvity u formuvanni natsionalnoyi svidomosti [S. Rusova on labor as an integral component of national education]. Visnyk Prykarpatskoho universytetu. Seriya : Pedahohika – The concept of national school in S. Rusova and S.Siropolk’s creative legacy: National conference proceedings (Ukraine), (pp. 150-154) [in Ukrainian].

11. Chepil, M. M. (2006). S.Rusova pro krayeznavstvo yak zasib natsionalnoho vykhovannya uchniv [S.Rusova on local history and culture as a means of patriotic education]. Visnyk Chernihivskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. T.H. Shevchenka. – Ser. Pedahohichni nauky – Bulletin of Chernihiv T. H. Shevchenko Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogy, 39, 171-173 [in Ukrainian]. 


(2017) Science and education, 2, 115-121. Odessa.


Anna Baliuk,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the concept of socialisation in general and professional socialisation in particular. The suggested algorithm of professional socialisation of Master-degree students majoring in social studies and humanities involves the following stages: professional orientation, professional development, professional adaptation, and professional formation. The definition of each phenomenon in psycho-pedagogical literature has been considered, followed by the author’s interpretation.


socialisation, professional socialisation, Master-degree students, professional orientation, professional development, professional adaptation, professional formation.




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