Nataliia Aleksandrova, Larysa Sluchaina. Enhancing Phd Students’ Academic Writing Skills in The Process of Learning English.

(2017) Science and education, 12, 183-189. Odessa.


Nataliia Aleksandrova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Larysa Sluchaina,
PhD (Candidate of Political Sciences), associate professor,
Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication Department,
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
54/1 Peremohy Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper aims to substantiate the designed technique of PhD students’ academic writing skills development, which includes the stages of formation, the content and functional components, as well as the corresponding organizational forms and methods of interaction between a teacher and postgraduate students in the process of learning a foreign language. At the initial and final stages of the verification of the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed technique, specially designed diagnostic methods and questionnaires aimed at identifying value orientations and motives of studying the basics of academic writing, the initial and acquired levels of language knowledge (English) at the postgraduate level in the process of studying the discipline were applied. The evaluation of the results took place according to the following criteria: value orientations and motives, knowledge of academic vocabulary and grammatical accuracy; and indicators: motives, vocabulary, lexical knowledge, grammatical awareness, academic writing skills. As a result of the study, most of the respondents (n=50) had insufficient knowledge and skills of academic writing. As a result of the carried out experiment, the effectiveness of implementation of the designed technique has been proved.


PhD students, academic writing skills, research work, method of developing skills, enhancing academic writing skills, academic writing style.




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