Nataliia Konoshenko, Serhii Konoshenko. Using Interactive Technologies in Social Care Teachers Training in Terms of Preventive Work With Minor Children

(2017) Science and education, 12, 171-175. Odessa.


Nataliia Konoshenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
head of the Department of Social Education and Social Work,
Sergii Konoshenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy,
professor, Department of Social Education and Social Work,
Donbas State Pedagogical University,
1, Uchytelskyi lane, Sloviansk, Ukraine



The paper aims to substantiate the feasibility of using interactive teaching technologies in the process of future social care teachers in terms of preventive work with minors. The greatest pedagogical effect in the process of forming the students’ competence in terms of preventive activities was observed due to the introduction of interactive teaching technologies that are characterized by the organization of the learning process in which a student cannot but takes part - in a collective, complementary one, which is based on the interaction of all its participants. The following technologies of interactive teaching are proved to be the most effective in forming future social care teachers’ competence in preventive activities: gaming technology, problem learning technology, training technology. It was these technologies that were introduced into the educational process with the experimental group of students within “Fundamentals of Preventive Work” course and internship and proved their effectiveness in terms of competence in preventive work with minors.


education, formation, readiness, prevention, social teacher, interactive technology, game, training.




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