Viktoriia Nesterenko, Ruslan Bedran. Educating Preschool Children’s Health Culture in Different Age Groups

(2017) Science and education, 12, 158-164. Odessa.


Viktoriia Nesterenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Ruslan Bedran,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the content of education of preschool children’s health culture in different age groups. The essence of the “preschool children’s health culture” phenomenon is revealed taking into consideration the content aspects of the current programs in preschool children education regarding their health culture. The analysis of the programs demonstrates that they associate the requirements for protection of children’s lives and the strengthening of their health mainly with the process of physical education and health-promoting work. The “preschool children’s health culture” phenomenon is defined as the totality of the valeological knowledge, which is acquired by a child; skills and habits according to his/her own and other people’s health; awareness of the value and necessity of their observance in the process of health preserving activity, which is reflected in the harmonious development of a child. Preschool children’s health culture is the result of the corresponding education in different age groups, which are defined as the new integrative personal growth, that is formed as the result of purposive subject-subject interaction between a preschool teacher and children of different ages, it reflects a degree of the valeological knowledge mastery and practical skills of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, formation of children’s conscious valuable orientation to their and other people’s health. The content of the program “We educate preschool children’s health culture in different age groups (for the children aged five and six)” is substantiated.


education, preschool children’s health, different age groups, programs.




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