Marianna Horvat, Tetiana Mochan, Mariia Kuzma-Kachur. Assessing Students’ Skills of Educating Junior Schoolchildren’ Axiological Attitude to Human Being

(2017) Science and education, 12, 151-157. Odessa.


Marianna Horvat,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
Tetiana Mochan,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Mariia Kuzma-Kachur,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education,
Mukachevo State University, 26, Uzhhorodska Str., Mukachevo, Ukraine



The article deals with the importance of understanding the necessity of educating axiological attitude towards a human being in primary school children as an actual issue in an overpragmatic environment. The problem of value orientations of primary school children is relevant because without the provision of basic human rights, the real attitude towards a man as to the highest value, neither the relationship between the state and an individual, nor the relationship between a person and the society, or the relationship between people cannot be harmonized. The paper aims to assess future primary school teachers’ skills in educating axiological attitude to a human being in primary school children. The study involved 41 4th -year students of the specialty “Elementary education” who were divided into control and experimental groups. The human-ideological knowledge in the respondents was assessed by means of the questionnaire “Ethics of Interaction” and Value Orientations Inventory by M. Rokich, as well as writing control papers on some disciplines (Pedagogical Ethics, Introduction to Specialty, Fundamentals of Pedagogical Excellence, Pedagogical Technologies in Elementary School). The maturity of the students’ skills of educating axiological attitude to a human being in junior school students was evaluated according to the following indices: autonomy in the application of skills; the variety of methodical techniques used in the application of skills; implementation of the acquired skills in different pedagogical situations. On the basis of the analysis of empirical and theoretical studies, the following aspects of improving the process of training future primary school teachers for educating axiological attitude to a human being in preschoolers have been distinguished: increasing attention to the content and volume of independent work of students, implementing new approaches to the study of psychological disciplines, practical training on subjects of professional direction, integrating training courses, envisaging the application of its practical part of the complex knowledge of psychology, pedagogy and subject methods. The model for the development of the skills under study has been presented and its efficiency has been experimentally proved.


value attitude to human, primary school children, future teachers, criteria, indicators and educational levels, diagnostics.




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