Yevhen Borinshtein, Zoia Atamaniuk, Nataliia Ortynska. Education: Dialogical Search and Socio-Cultural Adaptation

(2017) Science and education, 12, 140-145. Odessa.


Yevhen Borinshtein,
Doctor of Philosophy, professor, head of the Department of Philosophy,
Sociology and Management of Social and Cultural Activities,
Zoia Atamaniuk,
PhD (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences), associate professor, doctoral candidate,
Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Management of Social and Cultural Activities,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, 26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Nataliia Ortynska,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Administrative and Information Law, Lviv Politechnic National University,
1-3 Kniazia Romana Str., Lviv, Ukraine



Education plays an important role in the process of modernizing society, promotes mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue, it is the center for the development of a new generation of specialists and leaders. It is a specific form of a dialogue in which the systems of subject-object and subject-subject relations are constructive in nature and where hegemony affects the processes of understanding and clarification of truth. According to the results of the survey it has been proved that in the conditions of modern Ukraine there is a socio-cultural adaptation of citizens to two contradictory processes of modernization (Western model) and traditional national reconstruction. Dialogue looks like intellectual communication in the educational space of information civilization. It determines the educational and cultural levels of a modern person, his/her professional competence and responsibility. The correspondence between the level of social needs and the level of satisfaction determines the level of social adaptation. It is the readiness of a person and the society for a dialogic search, their value orientation for a dialogic search, which determines the success of socio-cultural adaptation.


education, science, social adaptation, transformation of values, socio-cultural adaptation, dialogical search of truth.




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