Historical-System Model of the Development of Primary School in Transcarpathia at the Turn of XIX-XXI Centuries

(2017) Science and education, 12, 15-23. Odessa.


Oktaviia Fizeshi,
Doctor of Pedagogy, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy,
associate professor,
Department of the Pedagogy of Preschool and Primary Education,
Mukachevo State University,
26, Uzhhorodska Str., Mukachevo, Ukraine
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The paper aims to develop the author’s historical-system model of the development of primary school of the Transcarpathian region of the second half of the XIX and the beginning of the XXI century. Research methods: content analysis of the archival materials (of the curriculums, programs, textbooks, lesson schedules, class journals) in order to identify retro peculiarities of the organization and content of Transcarpathian primary schools’ work; chronological, retrospective logical and system analysis - as a basis for studying the organization and management of the activity of elementary school at Transcarpathia in the context of historical and systemic educational transformations; historical-comparative analysis - to identify trends in the regional development of the primary school; analysis of modelling contributed to the process of developing the author's historical-system model of the formation of the Transcarpathian primary school. The developed model includes: periodization (V chronological stages), territorial subordination (Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the Soviet Union, Ukraine), the preconditions for the
formation of primary school (socio-economic, socio-political, educational and organizational), systemic educational transformations (subordinate-adaptive changes of the educational space of the Transcarpathian region depending on the introduction of the law-making, educational, language policy by the dominant state and defending of the national characteristics in a multicultural region), trends and peculiarities of the primary school development, updating retro experience. The model can be considered universal because the study of any historical and pedagogical process can be based on it. In particular, the following its components are universal: preconditions, process, periodization, trends, features. Any historical process is focused on the future, therefore, the actualization is highlighted in the model. The system education transformations are specific in the proposed model, because not every region has experienced changes in state-territorial subordination, which have caused the socio-economic, socio-political changes, in the context of which educational transformations have taken place.


elementary school, systemic educational transformation, historical and pedagogical modeling.




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