Olha Prysiazhniuk. Comparative Analysis of Language Education Organization at Universities in Poland and Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 12, 135-140. Odessa.


Olha Prysiazhniuk,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Humanities and Science,
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management,
2, Frometivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



Taking into account the relevance of reforms in the framework of the integration of the Ukrainian education into the European education model, comparative and factual analyses of the organization of language education in terms of teaching official state languages at universities of Poland and Ukraine have been carried out. The oldest and largest Polish university, the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (founded in 1364), promoting classical education, was compared with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (founded in 1834) and The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (founded in 1661). The analysis was focused on the university structure (namely, their departments), disciplines and professional qualifications. The following results have been obtained: 1) concerning the structure of the departments, Poland has twice as many departments as compared to Ukraine; 2) regarding the peculiarities of the disciplinary Педагогіка – Education Science and Education, 2017, Issue 12 140 content of language education in Poland, they have a great number of linguistic disciplines in the culture of the Polish language and language for specific purposes; 3) a distinct feature of the Polish language education is a high-demand specialization “Teacher of Polish as a Foreign Language” according to the programs of master’s and postgraduate training; 4) Polish language education is a part of its linguistic policy, since it directly implements the provisions of linguistic legislation on the observance and development of the norms of the language culture. The advanced achievements of Polish pedagogical experience that are worth considering for applying for the modernization of language education in Ukraine have been highlighted, namely: independent Ukrainian language faculties must be singled out from general philological ones; new advanced language disciplines should be implemented into the curricula; the discipline “Ukrainian Language for Specific Purposes” should be specified according to a specialty chosen; disciplines “Ukrainian Language Culture” and “Teacher of Ukrainian as a Foreign Language” (this one is for master-degree students as a specialty subject) should be introduced into the curricula.


language education, national philology, state language, official language, higher education, faculty, department, discipline, Ukraine, Poland.




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