Valetyna Babina. Peculiarities of Technical University Students’ Legal Culture Formation.

(2017) Science and education, 12, 128-134. Odessa.


Valetyna Babina,
PhD (Candidate of Political Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Law,
Odessa National Politechnic University,
1, Shevchenko avenue, Odesa, Ukraine



The paper aims to present an experimental technique of the formation of technical university students’ legal culture and provide the results of its practical implementation. The suggested conception is composed of the following units: a culturological unit, an axiological unit, an activity unit, and a personal one. Every unit has its specificity and provides certain forms of work. The process of the formation of technical university students’ legal culture should take place in stages, based on the structural and content characteristics of the process. The experimental work in the framework of the suggested conception involved various kinds of activities with experimental group students aimed at making them interested in self-development in the area of law and legal sciences. The study was conducted throughout three years involved forty students who were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental one was taught using the suggested conception, and the control one followed the traditional curriculum. According to the results of the study, the experimental technique has appeared to be efficient for the formation of technical university students’ legal culture as compared to the traditional teaching methods.


legal culture, jurisprudence, legal education, formation of legal culture of students.




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