Olena Chukhno. Experimental Work on Teaching Future Teachers Second Foreign Language Pronunciation

(2017) Science and education, 12, 112-119. Odessa.


Olena Chukhno,
Postgraduate student, Department of English Philology,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
2, Valentynivska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



Higher pedagogical educational establishments provide their students with an opportunity to become a teacher of two foreign languages. This leads to the necessity of working out teaching methods which allow forming the sufficient level of professional phonetic competence in the second foreign language during a limited period of time. The novelty of the research is in the theoretical grounding and elaborating of methods of forming future teachers’ phonetic competence in English as the second foreign language after German by means of developing the cyclic model of this process and the corresponding subsystem of exercises. The paper aims to present the results of the experimental verification of the effectiveness of the developed methods. The conducted pedagogical experiment started with a test whose results became evidence of a rather low level of future teachers’ phonetic competence in English as the second foreign language and proved the need for systematic work on its development. Experimental training was conducted according to two variants of teaching methods. Variant A was based on the author’s cyclic model of professionally oriented teaching of English pronunciation after German that included the introductory theoretical-practical and practical parts and took into account future teachers’ experience in learning the native and first foreign languages. Variant B was different from Variant A in relying in the teaching process only on the students’ native language. The results of the test carried out after the experimental teaching proved the effectiveness of both variants. However, the comparison of the increased indices of professional phonetic competence levels led to the conclusion that Variant A is much more effective. Thus, it can be regarded more preferable while implementing the developed methods into the teaching process. 


foreign language communicative competence, future teachers, professional phonetic competence, the first foreign language, the second foreign language. 




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