Renata Brzezińska, Liudmyla Ishchenko, Iryna Kalynovska. Future Teachers’ Axiological Sphere Development for Children’s Creativity Formation

(2017) Science and education, 12, 99-104. Odessa.


Renata Brzezińska,
PhD, Director of Pedagogical Institute of Cuiavian University in Włocławek, Poland,
1, Pl. Wolności Włocławek, Poland
Liudmyla Ishchenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Child Development,
Iryna Kalynovska,
Lecturer, Department of Special Education, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
28, Sadova Str., Uman, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of training future teachers for the formation of preschool children’s creativity. The study aims to present and test the experimental methodology of training pedagogy students by means of activating their axiological sphere with the aim to teach them to develop creativity of senior preschool age children. The process of forming the value-motivational sphere for this activity included the following areas of research, in particular: development of methodical methods of influence, a set of methods and techniques, educational and professional tasks aimed at developing positive motivation of students. The formation of positive motivation of students for professional activities on the development of senior preschool children’s creativity is realized in the content of disciplines included in the interdisciplinary system, in the process of modeling problem experimental situations of interdisciplinary content in practical classes, as close as possible to real interaction with children. Further differentiated development of the axiological sphere of future educators is organized (formation of values in the field of professional interaction, creative cooperation, value attitude towards the child as a subject of professional creative interaction). The direct (motivation is formed through the experience of creative collaboration, involvement of students in joint creative activity with children at preschool educational institutions) and indirect (the university teacher creates a special environment, presents simulated events and under their influence generates necessary professional motivation in his/her students) ways of forming positive professional motivation.


development of axiological sphere, motivation for professional activity, interdisciplinary system, active methods of teaching.




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