Oksana Khomik, Oksana Kovalchuk, Olena Myshko. Leadership Qualities as an Effective Attribute of Would be Managers’ Culture Forming in Higher Educational Establishments

(2017) Science and education, 10, 71-77. Odessa.


Oksana Khomik,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Finance and Credit,
Oksana Kovalchuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Higher School Pedagogics,
Olena Myshko,
PhD (Candidate of Economical Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Finance and Credit,
Academy of Recreational Technologies and Law, 2, Karbysheva Str., Lutsk, Ukraine



The system of views on the significance of the problem of managers’ training with high managerial culture has been considered in the article. The literature analysis allows suggesting that modern enterprises and organizations need managers who have a wide scientific, professional, managerial outlook; developed creative, practical thinking, a high managerial culture and can solve the whole complex of managerial tasks. Leadership qualities are the effective attribute of managerial culture formation. However, a would be manager can successfully implement himself/herself in professional management activity, having a rather high level of aspiration to be a leader in the team. The pedagogical experiment was conducted with aim to test the influence of leadership qualities on would be managers’ culture formation. The purpose of the research is the scientific substantiation and experimental verification of the leadership qualities’ influence on would be managers’ culture formation. The “Leader” method was used to determine the level of would be managers’ culture maturity. The implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions is the important criterion of education of would be managers’ leadership qualities, namely: integration of theoretical and practical training of students in the gradual formation process of managerial culture by various multimedia means and methods; formation of electronic educational environment, presented by theoretical, practical and scientific multimedia content, oriented to the managerial culture of would be managers; organization of individual and independent educational and cognitive students’ activity using the Internet club of management skills. The dynamics of the leadership quality levels maturity is presented in the paper. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment have shown an increase of the leadership qualities levels both in the experimental and control groups.


leadership qualities, managerial culture, would be managers.




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