Oleksiy Kuznetsov. Religiousness: Components, Types and Coping Strategies.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 70-75. Odessa.


Oleksiy Kuznetsov,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Practical Psychology,
H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv national pedagogical university,
29, Alchevskich Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



The paper characterizes the structure and the types of religiousness. The concept of religiousness and religiosity are distinguished. The structure of religiousness is considered as a combination of such components as individual religiousness, paranormal belief, spiritual intelligence, beliefs and behaviors in coping. The adaptation of Assessment of Beliefs and Behaviors in Coping and its validity and reliability have been checked. The components of religiousness have been studied, namely: cognitive component of religiousness, conative component of religiousness, paranormal belief, religious self-awareness, emotional component of religiousness, behavioral component of religiousness. The types of religiousness (average religiousness, high religiousness, emotional religiousness, behavioral religiousness) were obtained. It is defined that the type of religiousness conditions the religious copings.


religiousness, religious coping, paranormal belief, spiritual intelligence, beliefs and behaviors in coping, the structure and types of religiousness.




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