Irina Gromova, Natalia Olifirovich. Comparative Analysis of the Family Story Events of Alcohol and Drug Addicts

(2017) Science and education, 11, 52-59. Odessa.


Irina Gromova,
PhD, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Psychology,
Natalia Olifirovich,
PhD, associate professor,
Department of Clinical and Consultative Psychology,
Belarusian State Pedagogical University,
13, Skaryna Str., Minsk, Belarus,



The expansion of various kinds of chemical abuse all over the world, the decline of the age of the first use causes extensive damage to economics and society, worsens demographic situation, reduces the working capacity of the population among different social and age groups. The relevance of this research is conditioned by the necessity of studying the correlation of genetic and environmental determinants in forming the addiction to the chemical substances. The research of the causes of the addicted behavior denote multiformity (polymorphism) of these factors. Definite behavior patterns and events in the addicted person’s family are essential issues to deal with. The paper aims to identify life events of the addicted persons and their immediate circles for the revealing of indicators which can predict the formation of addiction. The research is based on the interview for collection of the anamnesis and the “Genogram” method by M. Bowen. The survey resulted in the construction of regression models with high prediction power for the groups of alcohol and drug addicted respondents including the range of independent variables, such as the age of the first taking drugs, life danger in childhood, suicides and criminal records in generations. A theory that the immediate circle has a leading role in support of early consumption, the forming and preservation of psychoactive substances abuse has been confirmed. The analysis of family histories shows us that an existence of family member addicts, violence and other traumatic events exert a stable effect on the functioning of all subjects of the family system and can create addiction to alcohol or drugs in future. The results are important for organization of medical, psychological and social help to addicts, also for developing preventive measures for work with members of their families.


addiction, addicted person, family environment, family story events, psychoactive substances.




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