Halyna Bevz. Marital Role Expectations Based on Triangle by Steve Karpman

(2017) Science and education, 11, 46-51. Odessa.


Halyna Bevz
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor, 
head of Laboratory of Communicational Psychology, 
Institute of Social and Political Psychology, 
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine; 
15, Andriivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article presents the results of research of role expectations in marital interaction between men and women according to the concept of the Drama Triangle by S. Karpman. The results of the study reveal the peculiarities of the use of the Drama Triangle role triad by married men and women, as well as the expectations from the partner to fulfill these roles and of their role contribution for the sense of mutual support in marital relations. Statistically significant gender differences in manifestations of the role triad of the Drama triangle have been found. They are reflected in the phenomenon of cultivation of the Rescuer role in family interaction, in significance of the act of registration of marriage for actualization of the role of the Rescuer, in the peculiarities of switching between the roles of Victim - Persecutor and in inclusion of a role triad in the construction of marital and parent-children relationships. It has been proved that actualization of the Rescuer role in family interaction grows in men together with the indicator of age, and in women together with the duration of marital life and the increase in the number of children over two. It has been proved that the role of the Victim in marital life is activated in the situation of reducing the material status, and Persecutor – in a situation of conflict and antagonism.


marital interaction, gender differences, relationships, roles, role position, the « Drama triangle».




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