Personal Factors of Risk Behavior of Modern Youth

(2017) Science and education, 11, 165-171. Odessa.


Valerii Sokurenko,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs,
Mykhailo Burdin,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
vice rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs,
Yurii Paida,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General Law Disciplines, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs,
27, Lva Landau avenue, Kharkiv, Ukraine,



The paper deals with the influence of personal factors on manifestations of risk behavior in young people. Risk behavior is usually associated with personality challenge and danger. Objective assessment of risk and its degree in the performance of appropriate tasks, the manifestation of predisposition to risk behavior is extremely important for the safety of the personality in a variety of life situations. This is especially true for young people, because their risk appetite arises through the search for adventures, interesting events, intense emotions and, accordingly, the internal readiness to take risks at different levels (physical, social, legal) for acquiring experience through the realization of risk actions. The article describes emotional, cognitive and volitional components in the structure of risk behavior. Based on the results of the conducted empirical research (comparative and correlation analysis), the following personal factors contributing to the formation of risk behavior of modern youth have been found: masculinity, sociability, reactive aggression, self-confidence and shyness. According to the results of the study, students have a low level of self-control, which can provoke the emergence of risk actions, because it involves the inability to resist circumstances, the lack of trends of searching for causes of actions and results in themselves. 


risk, risk appetite, risk behavior, predisposition to risk, readiness for risk, need for feelings, selfcontrol.




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