Svitlana Hubina. Teaching Activities Self-Regulation By Means of Art Therapy.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 114-119. Odessa.


Svitlana Hubina,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Pedagogy and Professional Education,
Vinnitsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky,
32, Ostrozhskogo Str. Vinnitsa, Ukraine



The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of teaching activities self-regulation by means of art therapy. At the first stage of the study, future teachers (n=77) were suggested choose their own way of self-regulation among music, fine arts, as well as arts and crafts. The goal of the second stage was to determine the effectiveness of the influence on the psycho-emotional sphere of different ways of self-regulation. Therefore, the reaction of the respondents to their application was analyzed. Regression analysis was applied for processing the obtained results. The third stage involved determining the levels of pedagogical activity self-regulation by means of Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire by R. M. Ryan and D. R. Connell. In order to study the relationship of self-regulation of pedagogical activity with motivation, Motivation for Success and Fear of Failure Inventory by A. Rean was used. The results of the study indicate that self-regulation is an integrative property of an individual, which combines intellectual, motivational, volitional, and emotional spheres. One of the psychological means of self-regulation is art therapy, which is a type of psychotherapy and psychological correction, based on art and creativity. According to the research outcomes, there is a positive relationship between the indicators of external regulation, internal motivation and the motivation to succeed. This indicates that the interest in teaching activity self-regulation is conditioned by the motivation to succeed.


self-regulation, emotional sphere regulation, teaching activities, future teachers, levels of selfregulation, methods of self-regulation, art therapy, musical art, arts and crafts.




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