Karyna Fomenko. Self-Regulation of Labor Activity: The Means of Psychodiagnostics and The Role in Motivation.

(2017) Science and education, 11, 98-104. Odessa.


Karyna Fomenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Practical Psychology,
H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
29, Alchevskich Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



The paper characterizes the levels and the means of psychodiagnostics of labor activity regulation: an intrinsic self-regulation or motivation, which assumes the interest and enjoyment during the activity, and an extrinsic regulation (identification, introjected and external regulation), which requires the external regulation of labor activity. The standardization of “Self-regulation of Labor Activity Questionnaire” and its validity and reliability are shown. The components of labor activity motivation have been studied, namely: aspiration to perfection in internal self-regulation of professional activity, which includes the hubristic aspiration to perfection, the motives of activity and self-realization, identification, career orientation to professional competence, serving, intrinsic motivation, career intuition, cognitive motive; business interest, which contains career orientation to entrepreneurship, challenge, management, integration of life styles, an intrinsic motivation; aspiration to superiority in autonomy career orientations, which assumes the hubristic aspiration to superiority, autonomy, acceptance motive, cognitive motive, management; introjected regulation in a work stability orientations, which includes the combination of the stability of work and residence with introjected regulation; career motivation, which contains career stability, involvement and intuition; and external regulation of life, which includes external regulation and the motives of living.


self-regulation of labor activity, intrinsic self-regulation, identification, introjected and external regulation, hubristic motivation, career orientation, professional motives.




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